“I have $2,500 on my account and they want $7,300 from me [to unfreeze withdrawals],” Dmitri, another affected user with a Telegram handle twenty_one_percent, told CoinDesk. He also shared screenshots of his chat with Binance customer support, where he was told he needed to find the person to whom he sent DOGE back in 2019 and return the funds. Source link … [Read more...] about DOGE Users Seethe Over Binance’s 2-Week Withdrawal Freeze
Ether price hits 2-week high as London hard fork momentum builds
Ether’s (ETH) $230 million options expiry on Friday appears to have shifted market sentiment in favor of the bulls, at least momentarily, as investors remain cautiously optimistic about the upcoming London hard fork and the prospect that Bitcoin (BTC) has established a firm bottom. ETH price updateETH rose more than 6.5% to $2,370 on Sunday, the highest in over two weeks, … [Read more...] about Ether price hits 2-week high as London hard fork momentum builds