BlackRock global head of iShares and index investments, Salim Ramji, said in an interview the $9.5 trillion firm has “no current plans” to launch cryptocurrency exchange traded funds (ETFs).“I personally think crypto - things like stablecoins and certainly things like distributed ledger technologies are a disruptive technology,” Ramji told the Financial News in an … [Read more...] about BlackRock iShares Exec Says Firm Has ‘No Current Plans’ to Launch Crypto ETFs: Report
BlackRock CEO signals low demand for crypto from long-term investors
BlackRock, an institutional asset manager that has indirect exposure to Bitcoin (BTC), has recorded a major decline in investor demand for cryptocurrency.The company’s CEO Larry Fink declared Wednesday on CNBC’s Squawk Box that BlackRock has been seeing less crypto-related queries from investors recently, signaling a massive drop in demand for crypto.Fink noted that … [Read more...] about BlackRock CEO signals low demand for crypto from long-term investors
Gold’s status as inflation hedge ‘somewhat exaggerated,’ says BlackRock exec
With the price of gold down more than 11% over the last six months, some investment managers are questioning its status as a hedge asset.According to Bloomberg, Russ Koesterich, portfolio manager at BlackRock’s Global Allocation Fund, gold is currently failing to prove its effectiveness as a viable hedge against inflation.Indeed, Koesterich countered the popular hedge asset … [Read more...] about Gold’s status as inflation hedge ‘somewhat exaggerated,’ says BlackRock exec