According to Reuters, in 2020, Binance acted against its own money laundering risk alerts for at least seven countries. Specifically, the ratings for Russia and Ukraine were "manually" downgraded from "extreme" to "high," such that the exchange could continue offering services there, according to Reuters. Source link … [Read more...] about Binance Didn’t Upgrade Customer Checks, Despite Promises to Regulators: Report
Americans reinvesting stimulus checks in Bitcoin made $4.5k in profit
An average American taxpayer received three rounds of stimulus checks from the United States government as a means to reignite the economy by increasing consumers’ spending potential. For many, this meant an opportunity to invest in Bitcoin (BTC).A Cointelegraph report from Aug. 26 shows that 11% of the respondents between the ages of 18 to 34 reinvested a part of their … [Read more...] about Americans reinvesting stimulus checks in Bitcoin made $4.5k in profit
2 in 5 Americans to invest stimulus checks into Bitcoin
A new survey found investors were more likely to bet on Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies ahead of stocks with the proceeds from the upcoming round of stimulus checks.The checks are coming for BitcoinJapanese megabank Mizuho found in a recent survey that stimulus check recipients in the US were more likely to invest in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies ahead of traditional … [Read more...] about 2 in 5 Americans to invest stimulus checks into Bitcoin