After opening a link that referred her to a WhatsApp chat, the scammer asked her to deposit money in her Chivo wallet to recover the funds. Vieytez put in $100, and was asked for more. She put in another $100 and, again, was asked for more. When the account had $400 in it, the scammer took all the money. Source link … [Read more...] about After Identity Theft, Salvadorans Now Report Funds Disappearing From Chivo Wallets
Identity Thieves Exploit El Salvador’s Chivo Bitcoin Wallet’s Setup Process
He tried, then, to open his account but a notification said his DUI had already been registered. Like Sosa, Santacruz approached a Chivo help center, and after recovering his account, he realized that it had been used to receive money from five hacked accounts, he said. (Attempts to reach Santacruz for comment were unsuccessful.) Source link … [Read more...] about Identity Thieves Exploit El Salvador’s Chivo Bitcoin Wallet’s Setup Process
El Salvador’s Bitcoin wallet Chivo is set to remove its trade profiting feature
Chivo will be removing its scalping feature to curb growing speculative tendencies involving Bitcoin, it said in a tweet last night.“Scalping” would allow users to freeze Bitcoin prices for a minute allowing a small window for the users to compare prices on other exchanges before making a final purchase.Chivo took to Twitter to announce that the digital wallet will no longer … [Read more...] about El Salvador’s Bitcoin wallet Chivo is set to remove its trade profiting feature