In 2022, CoinDesk is rolling out a program whereby certain high-performing employees throughout the ranks, most of whom have been here more than a year, receive stock appreciation rights (SAR) in DCG as part of their compensation. Initially, CoinDesk content employees were not going to be eligible for this program, meaning only certain members of other departments (sales, … [Read more...] about Important Disclosure About CoinDesk and Digital Currency Group
Iran to reportedly pilot central bank digital currency soon
The Central Bank of Iran (CBI) is reportedly planning to launch a central bank digital currency (CBDC) pilot soon.According to a report by the Iranian Labour News Agency, the CBI vice governor said that CBDCs could help the country resolv financial inconsistencies. The development of a sovereign digital currency in Iran began in 2018 at the Informatics Services Corporation — … [Read more...] about Iran to reportedly pilot central bank digital currency soon
Vitalik Buterin holds Twitter poll on which currency should succeed Ethereum
In an unexpected Twitter poll, Vitalik Buterin asked the ETH community which currency they want to dominate in 2035 if it isn’t Ethereum.“Poll for Ethereum community. You wake up in 2035, and 80% of all transactions + savings in the world are in one currency that is not ETH. Which would you prefer it to be?“Surprisingly, at one point, Cardano’s ADA was in the lead with 42% of … [Read more...] about Vitalik Buterin holds Twitter poll on which currency should succeed Ethereum
NYDFS Hires New Deputy Superintendent of Virtual Currency
The NYDFS had been looking to fill this role for some time. The position is in its Research and Innovation Division and has a special focus on virtual and digital currencies, blockchain, distributed ledger technology and other related innovative and derivative products and technologies, according to the initial job posting. Source link … [Read more...] about NYDFS Hires New Deputy Superintendent of Virtual Currency
Growth of Dollar Digital Currency Creates New Investment Opportunities for Businesses
Circle is not a bank; your Circle Account is not a bank account, and any funds are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Securities Investor Protection Corporation or by any U.S. or foreign government agency, insurance fund, person or entity. For investors in the United States, investments described in this communication are offered by Circle Bermuda to … [Read more...] about Growth of Dollar Digital Currency Creates New Investment Opportunities for Businesses