“The key question here is, whether the U.S. justice system would be willing to dig into the connection [between Telegram and Toncoin] and whether Durov would have enough time and money for a new round of fighting,” said Fedor Skuratov, a former community manager at TON Labs, the venture-backed company that helped Telegram test the blockchain before it quit from the … [Read more...] about Telegram CEO Endorses TON Blockchain Spinoff Toncoin
Brazil’s central bank president endorses crypto regulation
Speaking at an online event organized by Council of the Americas, Brazil’s central bank president, Roberto Campos Neto, shared his views on transparent payment networks, the country's central bank digital currency (CBDC) project and crypto regulation.Campos Neto has been a staunch advocate of the cryptocurrency space since taking office in 2019. His progressive policy-making … [Read more...] about Brazil’s central bank president endorses crypto regulation